about me

My journey

I’m a former Marine and Army Drill Sergeant turned Bible Teacher and Entrepreneur. How’d I get here? We’ll … I won’t bore you with all the details, but let’s say … it’s been a journey and quite the adventure.

Long story short, I’m a husband, father, and grandfather, and my family is my greatest inspiration. I’ve got a diverse background - From military to management and even maintenance. As a young buck trying to figure things out, I’ve worn several hats on my journey – from project manager, consultant, sales, quality control, Youth Pastor, Pastor, and Church-Planter. Simply put, I’ve seen a lot and I’ve done a lot. When it comes to experience and understanding what it means to be utterly dependent on God - I’ve put in the reps - a lot of reps.

My assignment, burden, and passion are to help believers understand what it means to be a Christian and the great power that comes with knowing and understanding their identity in Christ. If it’s one thing I know from experience … a true Christ-centered identity shapes a powerful mindset, guiding you to live authentically and purposefully in every area of your life. I have learned that no one’s story is picture-perfect, but it can be a picture of a perfect God and the power of His transforming and redeeming work.

With over 30 years of ministry experience, I hold an A.A. in Practical Theology, a B.A. in Biblical Studies, and an M.A. in Theology from Colorado Christian University. I also produce music and founded “VOICE Ministries” & “INIZIM Creative Studio.” My mission is to equip the Body of Christ in their calling, identity, and purpose and to train and develop Christian leaders and entrepreneurs (Rom.12:1-2; Eph.4:1-16; 1Thes.4:11-12). Contact me any time to learn more about how I can serve you, collaborate, and work together soon.

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